Dentist Website
The lowest cost, best value dentist website available anywhere!
The Dentist Centre offers the most capable and best priced website solution for the modern dental practice
- No hidden costs – from £300 per year for your website
- Ecommerce
- Choose from a range of modern web designs
- Brand your website with your own logo / colour scheme / images
- Simple sign up in minutes
- Dedicated support
- Add-ons available for Appointment booking, Email Hosting and Seo.
- We know you won't want to go anywhere else so no multi year contracts!
- Fully Responsive, Mobile Optimised
- All your services content
- White Lable Online store
- Health information
- Health news feed
- Free domain name (if you don’t already have one) hosting.
- Data security and back up
- Free Hosting
- Free Domain Name
Our policies have been checked by Charles Russell and corporate governance lawyers at our major clients WE WILL NEVER PASS ON YOU OR YOUR CUSTOMERS’ PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION TO ANYONE. WE WILL NOT NEEDLESSLY CLOG UP YOU OR YOUR CUSTOMERS’ INBOX WITH COMMERCIAL SPAM. YOU AND YOUR CUSTOMERS MAY DELETE/CHANGE YOUR INFORMATION AT ANY TIME. YOUR CUSTOMERS MAY OPT OUT OF RECEIVING ANY EMAILS FROM YOU OR US AT ANY TIME. Medicine Chest takes you and your customers’ privacy and data protection very seriously. Every effort has been made to make sure our databases are secure can only be accessed by the you and trusted Medicine Chest staff and occasionally, trusted third parties such as Doctors, Medical writers and IT personnel for the purpose of improving this site.
Security and Back Up
All confidential or private customer data is encrypted using 2048-bit next generation universally compatible Global Sign SSL certificates as used by companies and organisations such as Novartis, NHS, BBC , Vodafone. Data is backed up nightly in multiple locations for security. In addition, all repeat prescription orders and patient consent nomination forms are also sent to you via email for additional back up.
- 25+ free designs pre-installed.
- Free hosting.
- Free backup.
- Free medicinechest content licence.
- NHS choices content.
- Free white lable e-commerce with initial 50:50 profit share